Subject: Notice of Variation 1: Housing Intensification to the Proposed Waimakariri District
Dear Sir/Madam
VARIATION 1: HOUSING INTENSIFICATION (Medium Density Residential Standards)
Last year Waimakariri District Council asked for your feedback on our Proposed District Plan. You submitted on the Proposed District Plan and we’re wanting to provide you with an update on the review. The District Plan Review process has been delayed in order to prepare and notify Variation 1: Housing Intensification to the Proposed District Plan.
The Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021 (Amendment Act), introduced by the government in December 2021, amends aspects of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). The Amendment Act directs Tier 1 Councils to adopt the changes through a variation which must be notified by 20 August 2022.
To avoid confusion between the two processes, Council has delayed calling for further submissions on the Proposed District Plan while we receive submissions on Variation 1. This timing will also enable the hearing for Variation 1 to be held in conjunction with the hearing for the Proposed District Plan.
Your original submission on the Proposed District Plan still stands and notification of further submissions on the Proposed District Plan are expected to begin later in the year. However, you could find your original submission may be impacted by Variation 1. We still invite you to make a submission on Variation 1: Housing Intensification.
Continue reading for more information on the Amendment Act and Variation 1: Housing Intensification.
Variation 1: Housing Intensification (Medium Density Residential Standards)
Variation 1 enables Medium Density Residential Standards (MDRS) to be used in certain areas in the district. These are Rangiora, Kaiapoi, Woodend (including Ravenswood) and Pegasus. MDRS are the standards that deal with built form matters such as height, setback from boundaries, recession planes, outlook spaces, site coverage, landscaping etc. The variation will enable up to three houses of up to 11 metres (+ 1m for pitched roof) in height to be developed on sites in these towns. MDRS will come into effect unless a ‘Qualifying Matter’ applies.
We are proposing changes to objectives, policies, rules and zoning of the Proposed District Plan to enable MDRS as set out in Schedule 3A of the Amendment Act.
The chapters of the District Plan that are most affected by this variation include; Strategic Directions, Subdivision, Residential Zones, Neighbourhood Centre Zone, Local Centre Zone and the planning maps.
Zoning is being changed from General Residential Zone to Medium Density Residential Zone within Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Woodend (including Ravenswood) and Pegasus. In addition, two new areas within West Rangiora and North East Rangiora are being rezoned Medium Density Residential Zone.
Where the MDRS have been considered inappropriate for an area, a ‘qualifying matter’ has been proposed. For example; the Council has identified parts of Kaiapoi as a ‘Natural Hazard qualifying matter’ due to the risk of flooding. Therefore the MDRS provisions will not apply here and the rules in the Proposed District Plan will continue to apply.
Qualifying matters proposed include: Strategic and Arterial Roads, Historic Heritage, Notable Trees, Natural Character of Freshwater Bodies, Public access, Open Space and Recreation Zones, National Grid Transmission Lines, Rail Corridors, Natural Hazards and Noise control for Christchurch International Airport. Similarly to the flood risk example above, the MDRS provisions will not apply to these areas.
How to make a submission on Variation 1
Variation 1 can be viewed from Saturday 13 August on:
· The Council Website (
· The Waimakariri District ePlan (https://waimakariri.isoplan.
– Rangiora Library, 139 Percival Street, Rangiora;
– Rangiora Service Centre, 215 High Street, Rangiora;
– Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre, 176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi; and
– Oxford Service Centre/Library, 34 Main Street, Oxford.
Note: Some of the provisions in the variation to the Proposed District Plan are required by the Amendment Act to have immediate effect. These are identified within the Waimakariri district ePlan.
Anyone can make a submission on Variation 1: Housing Intensification by the following methods:
· The submission can be made via the Council website: (
· PDF forms are available on the Council Website for download: (
· Alternatively, submission forms are available from all Council Offices listed above.
Submissions can be lodged via any of the following methods:
· Online: Using the correct form via the Council’s website (as above)
· Email: Developmentplanning@wmk.govt.
· Post: Waimakariri District Council, Private Bag 1005, Rangiora 7440
· Hand Deliver: To a Council Service Centre in Rangiora, Kaiapoi or Oxford.
Submissions close at 5.00 p.m. on Friday 9 September 2022
Once submissions have closed, the Council will prepare and publicly notify a summary of the submissions. All the submissions will be available to view online. There will be an opportunity for certain people to make a further submission in support of, or in opposition to, any of these submissions.
Hearings on the submissions to the variation will occur in conjunction with the hearings on the Proposed District Plan in early-to-mid 2023. Anyone who has made a submission will have the right to attend the hearings and present their submission should they wish to do so. Council will notify a decision on the variation by 20 August 2023
Please note that the Amendment Act does not provide for a right of appeal to the Environment Court for provisions proposed under this Variation, except on points of law.
For more information on the Amendment Act, the Medium Density Residential Standards and how to make a submission view the FAQs on the Council website (
If you have any questions in relation to the above, visit the Waimakariri District Council website or email development planning at developmentplanning@wmk.govt.
Dated at Rangiora this day 12 August 2022.
Development Planning Team